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Urban recycling for the housing we need: self-renovation in Rome
Rome is a city under intense rental pressure, suffering from a chronic shortage of social and affordable housing. The situation has...

Europe needs new ways to finance housing
Creative new financing methods are needed to cope as demographic and other trends drive up Europe’s need for new housing, participants...

The hidden city spaces for affordable housing
Even in the most crowded urban environments, there are square metres left without use or purpose. Spaces too small for traditional urban...

New social and affordable housing in Italy: between public and private initiatives
In addition to the two extremes of public and private housing, a third kind of housing option has recently emerged in Italy. The new...

Finland shows example in the fight against homelessness
In the past years Finland has managed to decrease homelessness, especially chronic homelessness, contrary to the general trend of...

The Grenfell tragedy shows social housing needs more ressources
Few people would contest that 2017 has been a rollercoaster year for the United Kingdom so far. Brexit was formally triggered. An...

Innovative housing projects bring solutions to Europe
Housing exclusion is growing in Europe, and almost all member states see an increase in homelessness. Yet housing is a right: it affects...

The Greek housing situation faces new challenges and needs new actions
In Greece, the housing situation between the Second World War and 2009 was characterised by an extremely high rate of private ownership....

Four reasons why shrinking areas are ripe for innovative housing solutions
Housing has different functions for different groups of people: it provides a home for residents and work for builders and planners. It...

Europe needs innovative financing to secure affordable housing
Not all housing crises in Europe are equal. For example, in Serbia 29% of households spend more than 40% of their disposable income on...
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