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How can EU Funds encourage condominiums to undertake energy efficiency retrofits? Examples from Belg
This article presents five projects aiming to encourage undertake energy efficiency refurbishing in multi-apartments buildings. It was...

4 examples of solutions to address the housing crisis (workshop at the ISHF 2019)
On 6th June, 2019, the Housing Solutions Platform held a workshop at the 2d Edition of the International Social Housing Festival in...

Housing Solutions Platform workshop at FEANTSA's Policy Conference 2019
This past week, FEANTSA hosted a workshop at the 2019 FEANTSA Policy Conference in Porto, Portugal. This workshop, facilitated by Juha...

Focus on social rentals agencies - Case study: SRAs in Brussels (2/2)
The Onslaught of Private Investors on Social Renting The Rassemblement Bruxellois pour le droit à l'habitat (RBDH) is a local group of...

Focus on social rental agencies - Case study: SRAs in Brussels (1/2)
Investment for affordable housing: the private sector to the rescue of welfare state or taking advantage of a financial opportunity?...

Focus on social rentals agencies - Mobilising the Private Sector Through Social Rental Intermediatio
Documents from the event held on 19th February Meeting Report (English) Key Findings (English) Key Findings (French) Key Findings...

The sharing economy and housing affordability: what impact, what solutions?
Are home-sharing services taking housing off the long-term rental market and therefore playing a significant role in driving up rents to...

The temporary dwellings by Programma Housing in Turin, Italy
Among the several housing actions promoted by the PH-Programma Housing (by means of free grants to third parties, direct contributions or...

Fostering innovation while retaining high standards and mitigating possible conflicts - Vienna's
​The services of the so-called sharing economy are the aspects of the Digitalization whose effects are most clearly visible in the cities...

Innovative strategies to support tenants in Europe
On Monday 16th of July, The Young Foundation hosted FEANTSA for a discussion on the different approaches to addressing housing exclusion...
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