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The Sharing Economy: What Impact on Housing?
On 18 November, HSP will host a webinar about the impact of short-term rental platform on housing prices. We will discuss the strong...

12 November/ HSP #50Solutions Webinar 3: For a Green Recovery that Leaves No-one Behind
On 12 November, HSP will host a webinar with representatives from three of its #50Solutions project to speak about green recovery and...

HSP #50Solutions Webinar 2: Alternative Forms of Land and Property Ownership
On 12 June, HSP hosted a webinar with representatives from three of its #50Solutions projects: Paul Doe - Let's Build in the Air (UK)...

Is the Just Transition Fund enough? A Housing Perspective on Leaving No One Behind
On 9th June, FEANTSA, the Fondation Abbé Pierre & Housing Europe held an online roundtable e-hosted by Mounir Satouri MEP (EFA/Greens,...

Addressing Energy Poverty in the Climate Transition: Risks and Opportunities for a Renovation Wave
On May 7, HSP held an online roundtable e-hosted by Ciaran Cuffe MEP (EFA/Greens), which brought together a range of academic speakers,...

50 Housing Solutions Close-Up: Empty Homes Programmes
Although in physical form our 50 Housing Solutions Publication was finalised long ago, we intend to keep the conversation going regarding...

#50Solutions Online Training 1: The Example of Faith-Based Organisations
As the COVID-19 crisis strikes, the need to adequately house homeless people and vulnerable groups is more urgent than ever. In view of...

Sharing Land Values to Build Better Places
In this month’s HSP knowledge piece, we explore the concept of land value capture. To meet the growing urban, social, and environmental...

50 Housing Solutions Launched in European Parliament
On December 11th 2019, Housing Solutions Platform launched its new publication, 50 Out-of-the-Box Housing Solutions to Homelessness and...

Energy Poverty Report Launched in European Parliament
On Monday December 9th, FEANTSA and the Fondation Abbé Pierre launched their joint thematic report on energy poverty in the European...
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