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Ending Homelessness in post-Covid 19 times: what policies and partnerships in the housing sector?
On 18th June 2021, the Housing Solutions Platform held a debate on social housing policies and partnerships to end Homelessness...

Addressing Homelessness, Housing and energy poverty in the European Recovery
Image Source: Most EU...

The New European Bauhaus and its links to inclusive, affordable and accessible housing
The New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative was recently launched by the European Commission in the framework of its Renovation Wave. It is...

How can the Affordable Housing Initiative respond to the housing needs of most vulnerable groups?
On 20 April 2021, HSP organised a meeting between the European Commission and several NGOs, civil society organisations, and the Council...

Pension famille: the French model for sustainable housing?
In France, in 1997, the Ministry for housing and social action launched a program to give people who, often having lived on the streets...

Shrinking cities: what opportunities for affordable housing and to address homelessness?
On 25th February 2021, the Housing Solutions Platform hosted a debate on the opportunities of depopulation and shrinking cities for...

Project Homekey in Los Angeles: turning hotels into housing for the homeless
In November 2020 the Project Homekey Solution was launched in Los Angeles,. Building on a previous project " Roomkey”, the new “Homekey”...

Perspectives on lasting housing solutions for the homeless after covid-19
On 29th January 2021, the Housing Solutions Platform hosted a debate on housing perspective for lowest income groups in the context of...

The City is Ours! How to Regulate Airbnb in the Face of a Housing Crisis
On 18 November, FEANTSA and Fondation Abbé Pierre launched their report on the consequences of Airbnb for the housing market. This paper...

HSP #50Solutions Webinar 3: For a Green Recovery that Leaves No-one Behind
On 12 November, HSP hosted a webinar with representatives from three of its #50Solutions projects: - Gyorgy Sumeghy – Habitat for...
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