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Thematic brief: What role can architecture play in combatting homelessness?
During the first part of 2022, the main thematic focus of the Housing Solutions Platform has been to further explore what role...

How can the New European Bauhaus foster architecture for Urban Inclusion?
On Thursday the 24th of March from 10.00 - 12.30am CET, the Housing Solutions Platform will organize an online debate on The New European...

Social housing providers' work to prevent homelessness
Think piece, by Edit Lakatos, Housing Europe, 18/02/2022 Social and affordable housing providers across Europe deliver a wide range of...

Rethinking rent control in Europe
This webinar on rethinking rent control in Europe will occur on Tuesday, December 7th on Zoom, from 10:00AM to 12:30PM (CET). Please...

Beautiful, sustainable and inclusive? The New European Bauhaus from a homelessness perspective
On Tuesday 16 November from 13:00PM to 15:00PM (CET), the Housing Solutions Platform will organize an online debate on the new European...

Collective Housing Transformation - HSP debate
On the 11th of October HSP organized a debate on Collective Housing Transformation. Find the program here. Presentation Collective...

Collective Housing Transformation - HSP report
The report. Our report on the Collective Housing Transformation called "Upcycling buildings - Converting multi-unit non-residential...

Fit for 55: creating energy-efficient and adequate housing for the most vulnerable
Image source: On July 14th the European Commission presented its Fit for...

The German Mietshäuser Syndikat: creating self-organised housing projects financed by rents
Image Source: The German Mietshäuser Syndikat (literally: rental houses...

Ending homelessness until 2030: the launch of the European Platform on combatting homelessness
On 21st of June, EU institutions, civil society organisations and local and regional authorities have met at the high-level conference in...
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